Information GRiZ and Deadbeats collects for the Spotify Pre-Save

GRiZ and Deadbeats will collect the user’s Browser, device, OS, IP-Derived Location as well as release specific parameters such as Artist, Album, Track, etc.

GRiZ and Deadbeats will collect your email address, first name, last name only once the pre-save user opt-ins and consents to providing this information to us. Additionally, GRiZ pre-save users will receive emails or other targeted messages from us and/or the Customers only after they opt-in for the same. GRiZ pre-save users may opt out of receiving messages at any time and can review all PII data being stored by GRiZ and request for it to be deleted.

GRiZ and Deadbeats pre-save users may also opt-in to sharing additional personal information from third party social and music services such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, and other similar apps, as well as to provide us with information such as likes, favorites, followers/following, follower numbers, age, top artists, top tracks, playlists and/or music listening behaviors.